Knowledge is Power.

The Domino Effect: Educational Program and Products

As noted on the Protecting Consumers and Preserving the Title Insurance Industry page, there is much work to be done to accomplish that task. There are many ‘sides’ to issues relating to Alt-Ven products and proposed ‘Title Waiver’ pilot program – with each ‘side’ having its own narrow focus.

The Importance of Advocacy-through-Education

As a leading author (31 textbooks) and industry educator for the majority of her nearly 50-year career, Karen Koogler understands (perhaps better than most) that it is impossible to learn anything of value in the span of a 30- to 60-minute webinar or by reading a one-page article posted on the Internet. Learning takes time and the combined effort of teacher and student.

While Karen does provide 1- to 2-hour introductory sessions on a variety of timely topics impacting the title (settlement) industry, most of her time is spent teaching in-depth educational sessions via regulatory compliance, prelicensing, and CE-CLE programs. For example, depending on state law, her prelicensing courses run from a short 10- to 20-hours up to 40-hours; and most CE-CLE courses range from 3-5 hours up to 8-10 hours, depending upon the topic.

Applied to the current topic of ‘Alt-Ven’ (AOL) products and ‘Title Waiver’ pilot initiatives, Karen is laser-focused on ensuring that the Administration, the FHFA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the CFPB, and all State Insurance Commissioners fully understand the unintended consequences and potential Consumer harm that will arise, should (well-intentioned) regulatory initiatives be acted upon, as proposed.

The April 8, 2024 Educational Memo on Title Waivers, coupled with the December 9, 2022 Educational Memo on AOLs, comprise nearly 50 pages of in-depth educational content.

Understanding that many (if not most) of those receiving it will (sadly) not take the time to read it – as a Consumer and small business advocate and dedicated industry educator, Karen is committed to doing what is in the best interests of all concerned. She knows there must be shared-meaning – that which comes from placing content in context – so those involved in the decision-making process make well-informed decisions that do not result in unintended consequences or Consumer harm.

About The Domino Effect Programs and Products

Many of the following programs and products are a work-in-progress – from the standpoint that what Karen began, in December 2022, is now undergoing significant expansion. For example, we have removed the 1st Edition of The Domino Effect textbook from publication, as Karen makes substantial revisions for use as the foundational textbook for a series of upcoming educational courses.

We invite you to click on any (or all) of the following, to learn more about each; so as to determine what best meets your specific needs.