Personal and professional excellence begins with a commitment to lifelong learning.

Florida Title Insurance Exam Prep [Optional Component]

Avail: Registration
Mfg: The Koogler Group



THIS IS AN OPTIONAL SINGLE-USER PRODUCT. It may be purchased in addition to the Florida Study Manual, which is REQUIRED for anyone taking the State Exam. This product does not replace the textbook. The State Exam is based on the textbook.

Practice and Prepare for the State Exam!

Through our Online Training Portal, the registered user will have access to the Florida Title Insurance Exam Prep product for 90 days from the date of activation. Since access to this product is a time-limited, please wait until you are ready to begin studying to activate your session in the training portal. If additional study time is desired, simply purchase this product again.

Please note that the questions appearing on the State Exam are NOT the same as the questions appearing on the Online Exam Prep product. The purpose of the product is to help users gain comprehension of the material contained in the Florida Study Manual, on which the State Exam is based. The product should NOT be used for rote memorization of questions and answers.

Proper Usage of the Product

Begin with the TOPIC-SPECIFIC Exams and take each one repeatedly, until you consistently score (at least 3–4 times) in the mid- to high-90s. Once you consistently score in the mid- to high-90s on each TOPIC-SPECIFIC Exam, switch to the MULTI-TOPIC Exam and take those repeatedly, until you consistently score (at least 3–4 times) in the mid- to high-90s. For any questions you answer incorrectly, if you do not understand why the correct answer is correct, review the topic in the corresponding chapter of the Florida Study Manual. Remember, the State Exam is based on the textbook and NOT the Exam Prep product! If you follow the instructions above, you should be able to achieve a passing score (70% or above) on the State Exam. Failure to properly use the product will generally result in failure on the State Exam.

The product may be accessed by the registered user on any computer or mobile device (must support JavaScript and HTML5) and provides access to the following essential resources:

  1. Practice exams that simulate the actual state exam.
  2. Topic-level quizzes to help you build proficiency in specific areas.
  3. After completing each practice exam or quiz, you will receive a score and be able review the questions to see correct answers.
  4. Valuable reference/study resources to help you achieve mastery of the material:
    • Glossary of important terms and definitions (173 searchable pages)
    • Florida Title Rule (F.A.C 690-186) with color coded statute references, rule text emphasis, and instructor notes
    • Florida Statute and related references
    • Instructor notes to aid in applying for the state exam

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