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Multi-State Study Manual for Closing Agents 3rd Edition [Includes End-Chapter Q+A Review]

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Mfg: National Title Insurance Academy



The inspiration for this manual came from the enormous success of our most popular jobskills training manual, Closing Concepts: A Title Training Manual for Settlement/Escrow Professionals coupled with more than 30 years of teaching industry prelicensing courses. Most state exams for title agent licensure touch lightly, if at all, on the settlement/escrow side of the industry. Following more than a decade of unparalleled levels of fraud — mortgage fraud, securities fraud, foreclosure fraud, foreclosure-rescue fraud, and short-sale fraud — state regulators and industry professionals are awakening to the fact that those who work as title (settlement) agents are our last line of defense in preventing future fraud and forgery.

Written by Karen Koogler, the nation’s leading author of comprehensive title insurance textbooks and study materials, this study manual adds to her series of licensing and certification textbooks. In addition to assisting those independently studying for exams, the Study Manual provides a meaningful educational foundation for the following:

Optional Secured Protocol Online Exam

Due to the federal [CFPB] regulatory emphasis on ensuring that all “service providers” [which includes title (settlement) agents] are fully trained on federal regulations and risk management protocols, The Koogler Group offers an optional 100 question multi-topic multiple-choice secured protocol online exam delivered via our Training Portal. An important feature of the online exam is that it is proctored by The Koogler Group, as a third-party, thereby alleviating regulatory concern of employers falsifying test results to pass a regulatory audit. In addition, we maintain all exams by test-taker name and, upon written permission from the test-taker, will release the results to those who may request same as part of a “vetting” or audit process. The Secured Protocol Online Exam covers the entire content of the Multi-State Study Manual for Closing Agents and is only available to those who complete the Multi-State Study Manual for Closing Agents Self-Study Program.

Study Manual Covered Topics

The Multi-State Study Manual for Closing Agents contains 600 pages of text, over 100 pages of sample forms and audit checklists, and provides indepth, certification-level instruction on the following topics:

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